The Rose Mciver Fansite since 2013

AppearanceRose McIver at 'Fairy Tales 5' - Day 1

Rose McIver at ‘Fairy Tales 5’ – Day 1

This week-end (Saturday and Sunday), Rose McIver is attending ‘Fairy Tales 5’ in Paris (France) for Photo-Sessions, Autographs, Meet and Greet and Panels. She will be there alongside Rachel Shelley, Sam Witwer, Elliot Knight, Jamie Chung, Colin O’Donoghue.

Xivents presents Fairy Tales V, which will be held on Saturday 27th and Sunday 28th May 2017 in Paris, France.

Come and participate in this 5th edition, exclusively dedicated to the Once Upon A Time series, in the presence of your favorite actors! During these two exceptional days, the program includes signing sessions, photoshoots, question and answer sessions, analytical conferences, contests, evening events, VIP dinner with the guests…


: May 27 – Fairy Tales 5 (Panel)
: May 27 – Fairy Tales 5 (Photo-Session)
: May 27 – Fairy Tales 5 (Signing)
: May 27 – Fairy Tales 5 (Midnight Ball)
: May 27 – Fairy Tales 5 (Meet and Greet)

01. Photos

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02. Infos

  • Rose finished filming ‘Brampton’s Own’ 2 weeks ago.
  • Rose told us the Netflix movie is a family movie. Its also a Christmas movie. It was very cold to film as there was snow.
  • Rose is actually learning FRENCH, and she actually understand it well! She wants to practice a lot this weekend.
  • Rose told us than the brains taste is very bad. One time, she eated the pizza all around the piece of brains and they tell her, ‘eat the part with the brain’. ahah
  • Rose said that Jennifer Morrison is an awesome director. When, they filmed ‘Demon Days’, it was the first time Jennifer directed something.
  • Rose was sad that Jennifer Morrison’s play opened stage 1 week after she was leaving the US.
  • Rose asked a question in french to Colin O’Donoghue. Who had the best irish accent? Colin said ‘Rose McIver has the worst irish accent’.
  • Rose is curious about Hook and Tink. She wants to know what happened between them.
  • Rose finds it difficult to ‘fake laugh’.
  • ‘What are the happy endings your characters deserve?” Rose: taking care of herself more.

03. Videos

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My name is Stéphanie - creator, webmaster and social medias manager of The Rose McIver Fansite (known as Rose McIver Source). I have been a french fan of Rose since a decade. Way back in 2013, I noticed there were no French or English website supporting her projects or promoting her amazing work – that's why I decided to create this fansite, in English to reach a larger audience. I started following Rose in my early twenties, here I am in my thirties, even more enthusiastic to share everything related to her career.​ I had the opportunity to meet Rose three times. In May 2017, at the 'Fairy Tales 5' con in Paris. In February 2020, virtually during "Empire's Virtual Hangout 4". In May 2023, I went to Germany to meet Rose again.


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