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Favorite Holidays
Source | Rose McIver is an ambassador for Emirates.
What was your greatest holiday?
Piha. Pretty much every summer growing up — often staying at the Peach family bach. So many wonderful memories.
And the worst? Well it was still a brilliant holiday, but my poor mum broke her shoulder visiting me in Canada last Christmas. That was a little rough.
If we bump into you on holiday, what are you most likely to be doing? Slip, slop, slapping. Eating a Nice Block. Having a swim in the surf, but only ever waist deep — watching out for those rips.
If we could teleport you to one place in New Zealand for a week-long holiday, where would it be? God, we are spoilt for choice back home but today I’ll say Hahei.
How about for a dream holiday internationally? I’m very keen to see Morocco. I love the food and the design I’ve seen from there, and would love to meet the people behind them.
What’s the dumbest thing you’ve ever done when travelling? I left my passport in the toilets in Dubai when I was 18. I was on the way to Europe. An incredible woman who was cleaning the bathroom saved the day and raced it to the gate just in time for me to board (not in time to prevent my first-time-solo-traveller panic attack).
Aisle seat or window seat? Window. More leaning options.
Complete this sentence: I can’t travel without … Mosquito repellent and sunscreen. I am a heavy doser and really dread the imminent studies coming out showing what all the chemicals do to us.
What’s the best travel tip you’ve ever been given? Don’t bother taking a thousand photos of landmarks. You’ll never look back at them and you’ll miss the moment. And you can google way better pictures of them anyway.
What was the most memorable meal you’ve had while travelling? It’s always the Marmite on Vogel’s I have when I get back to New Zealand after a trip away. Such comfort food for me.
What’s the best thing you’ve brought back from a trip? I bring back hats from pretty much everywhere I go. Winter, summer, whatever the weather, I end up needing one and I now have more than any one person should ever own.
Favourite airport at which to land? Auckland. By far. So smooth! After LAX every second week for the past four years, I have come to adore Auckland Airport like a fond friend.
What’s the next trip you’ve got planned? I’m coming home for two and a half months to do a film called Daffodils. I haven’t spent that long in New Zealand for years and years and it will give me a chance to get to some of the spots further down my to-do list that I’ve always wanted to get to.