As you know, Rose McIver will go to many conventions this summer, whether in New Zealand or the United States. Unfortunately, some of us live in Europe and don’t have the chance to get to these conventions. HOWEVER, if you want to have an autograph from Rose, I have the solution!
OZ COMIC CON is doing an ‘Absentee Pack‘; for $50 AUD (equivalent of 32€ and $35 USD) you can have an autograph of Rose (which may be personalized with your name!). For shipping to Europe, you must add $36 AUD (equivalent of 23€ and $25 USD).
To do so, simply go to THIS ADRESSS. You have to choose the picture you would like for the autograph and then, the name she have to write on it. Ordering is very simple and you can pay safely with PayPal :)
Feel free to contact us if you have ANY questions! :)
Get your Autograph of @imrosemciver with @OzComicCon’s ‘Absentee Pack’! [Infos: https://t.co/DIpHRi4UoO%5D
RT @rosemciverfans: Get your Autograph of @imrosemciver with @OzComicCon’s ‘Absentee Pack’! [Infos: https://t.co/DIpHRi4UoO%5D
Be sure to get your @imrosemciver’s autograph before it’s too late! [Infos: https://t.co/DIpHRi4UoO%5D
RT @rosemciverfans: Get your Autograph of @imrosemciver with @OzComicCon’s ‘Absentee Pack’! [Infos: https://t.co/DIpHRi4UoO%5D
RT @rosemciverfans: Be sure to get your @imrosemciver’s autograph before it’s too late! [Infos: https://t.co/DIpHRi4UoO%5D