The Rose Mciver Fansite since 2013

NewsParticipate in Rose McIver's FanBook!

Participate in Rose McIver’s FanBook!

Kiah of ‘iZombie NZ‘ is organizing a Fanbook* that she will give to Rose McIver at the ‘ARMAGEDDON EXPO 2016‘ con which will have place from June 4 to 6 in Wellington (click for more infos about this event).

*What is a FanBook? 
A Fanbook is a small book dedicated to actors containing photos, arts, but ESPECIALLY messages from fans. In general, this little book is given to the actor during the autograph sessions of Conventions.

If you want to tell Rose what you think of her, it’s the perfect time! Nothing more simple, you just have to write a text (no minimum required lines) Telling her what you think of her, why you adore her, what she brings you in everyday’s life and more!

To do this, you just have to send your text to Kiah via her twitter account (@izombienz). If you have any questions, do not hesitate!

My name is Stéphanie - creator, webmaster and social medias manager of The Rose McIver Fansite (known as Rose McIver Source). I have been a french fan of Rose since a decade. Way back in 2013, I noticed there were no French or English website supporting her projects or promoting her amazing work – that's why I decided to create this fansite, in English to reach a larger audience. I started following Rose in my early twenties, here I am in my thirties, even more enthusiastic to share everything related to her career.​ I had the opportunity to meet Rose three times. In May 2017, at the 'Fairy Tales 5' con in Paris. In February 2020, virtually during "Empire's Virtual Hangout 4". In May 2023, I went to Germany to meet Rose again.



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