This summer, I am launching the first ‘30 Days Challenge‘ dedicated to the ‘iZombie‘ show.

What is this game?
During 30 days (an issue by day), we will choose our favorite characters, episodes, moments around the show and much more.
How to participate?
It’s really easy, via your social network account (facebook, twitter, instagram, tumblr,…), you just have to repost the photo and answer the issue.
For example, for today (Day 1, July 4th), you have to repost the photo on your account and answer the question ‘Your favorite male character’. Do not forget to use the following hashtags, so we can see your answers! #30DaysChallenge #iZombie #30DaysChallengeiZombie
And if I miss a day? Can I start it after the ‘Day 1’?
If you have missed a day, or start the game only on ‘Day 5’, no worries. You can play when you want, if you don’t want to answer a question, no problem either. :)
Below you can see all my answers and all the fans who participated to this game (if your entries is not included in this list, thank you to contact me. Also, be sure to use the hashtags on your next entries so I can see them).
Day 1 – Favorite Male Character
- @rosemciversrc: Day 1 – Favorite Male Character: Ravi.
- @swendgame13: My favourite male character is Ravi.
- @livlove52: Mine is also RAVI!!!
- amysaldana510: Day 1 Favorite Male Character : Ravi.
- @afooltocry: Day 1 of the
#30DaysChallengeiZombie – Favorite Male Character: Ravi, Ravi, and more Ravi. I love the Ravi. - @sodixolo: Ravi rocks!
- @nmravlja: Favorite male character: Ravi Chakrabarti
- @broodsella: Fav male character is Ravi but I also love Clive
- @lozzy_saffron: Favourite male character: it was Lowell, but I can’t go past RAVI!!!!!!
- @zoemarkos2001: favourite male character: Ravi
- @francisteck: Day 1: Ravi (R.I.P. Lowell…)
- @izombienz: Fave male character is my precious cinnamon roll Ravi
- @andersonjourn: Day 1 Ravi
- @BiguetFlora: I’d say Ravi
- @dontouchmyvibe: Day 1 – Ravi,
@RahulKohli13 - @itsnorsss: Day 1 Ravi
@RahulKohli13 - @TheRaggedyWolf: Ravi, which ironically means delighted in French and perfectly suits you.
@RahulKohli13#iZombie - @Astridbtl: Day 1- favourite male character : Ravi chakrabarti
Day 2 – Favorite Female Character
- @rosemciversrc: Day 2 – No surprise, my favorite female character is LIV.
- @swendgame13: Day 2- My favourite female character is Olivia “Liv”
- @izombiepodcast: Day 2 – Fav female character- LIV!
- @amysaldana510: Day 2 favorite female character: Liv Moore ….obviously
- @andersonjourn: Day 2 Liv
- @TerribleGamerYL: Day 2-My Favorite Female Character is Rita
- @afooltocry: Day 2-Fave Female Character is
#LivMoore the dead alabaster badass - @izombielove: Day 2 | Favourite Female Character Liv – cares deeply – good intentions – the OG zombie
- @broodsella: fav female character is of course Liv! Do love bozzio also tho
- @dontouchmyvibe: Day 2 – I love Peyton, but Liv
- @ZombieRetroGal: Day 2 Fav female character! The lovely
@imrosemciver as Liv! - @Lozzy_Saffron: Favourite female character: that’s too easy, LIV MOORE!!!
- @FranciSteck: Day 2: Duuuuh Liv!!
- @kittle_scott: Liv of course
- @livlove52: Day 2 LIV MOORE
- @purelylorde: Day 2 – LIV Moore
- @izombienz: Day 2
#30DaysChallengeiZombie – fav female character is my Livvy boo ofc - @CoriBlossoms: Day 2: Liv
- @zoemarkos2001:
#30DaysChallengeizombie, day 2, favourite female character: Liv Moore!!! - @itsnorsss: Day 2 Liv
@imrosemciver - @TheRaggedyWolf: Day 2: Liv.
- @Astridbtl: DAY 2- favourite female character : Liv Moore
Day 3 – Your Favorite Actor
- @rosemciversrc: Day 3 – My favorite actor is Robert Buckley. Because…
#OneTreeHill. - @izombiepodcast: Day 3 – Favorite Actor –
@RahulKohli13 - @TC_Stark: Day 3 Fav Actor
@QuestionAnders - @swendgame13: Day3- My favourite actor is David Anders
- @CoriBlossoms: Day 3 David Anders. What can I say. I am just a person living in Blaines world.
- @afooltocry: Day 3 – Fav Actor
#DavidAnders because I knew of him the longest - @amysaldana510: Day 3 favorite actor : Rahul Kohli
- @TerribleGamerYL: Day 3-Aly Michalka
- @broodsella:
#30DaysChallengeiZombie fav actor is@RahulKohli13 guy cracks me up on and off screen - @iZombieLove: Day 3 | Favourite Actor
@robertbuckley – hilarious man child – cutlery stealer – eyebrows - @ZombieRetroGal: Day 3: My favorite actor is
@robertbuckley ! - @FranciSteck: Day 3: Bradley James
- @lozzy_saffron: Day 3: favourite actor: Bradley James. He was such a great zombie. I miss Lowell.
- @zoemarkos2001:
#30DaysChallengeizombie, day 3, favourite actor: Robert Buckley - @itsnorsss: Day 3 i love
@imrosemciver but i have to say@robertbuckley - @dontouchmyvibe: Day 3 – absolutely
@RahulKohli13 - @TheRaggedyWolf: Day 3:
@RahulKohli13 Never met someone as funny and committed as you on Twitter. Your tweets make my days. As an actor and IRL, you rock! - @livlove52:
#day3 Rahul Kohli! The funniest!!!!
Day 4 – Your Favorite Actress
- @rosemciversrc: Day 4: My favorite actress, of course the amazing
@imrosemciver! - @izombiepodcast: Day 4 – Favorite Actress – Rose McIver
- @TerribleGamerYL: Day 4-Aly Michalka
- @ZombieRetroGal: Day 4: My favorite actress is
@imrosemciver ! - @TC_Stark: Day 4- Fav actress:
@imrosemciver obvi - @swendgame13: Day 4- Favourite actress is
@imrosemciver she’s a beautiful and talented actress - @amysaldana510: Day 4 Favorite Actress: Rose McIver bc she’s so great and gorgeous
- @itsnorsss: Day 4 Rose McIver
@imrosemciver - @andersonjourn: day 4 Leanne
- @izombienz:
#30DaysChallengeiZombie missed day 3 but for day 4, fave actress is ofc bestie boo Rose love her with all my heart - @iZombieLove: Day 4 | Favourite Actress
@imrosemciver – adorable kiwi – zombie queen - @FranciSteck: Day 4: Rose McIver
@imrosemciver - @broodsella:
#30DaysChallengeiZombie fav actress miss@imrosemciver ofc love this cutie w all my heart - @lozzy_saffron: Day 4: favourite actress… ROSE MCIVER OF COURSE!!!
- @zoemarkos2001:
#30DaysChallengeizombie, day 4, favourite actress: Rose Mciver - @dontouchmyvibe: day 4 –
@imrosemciver - @TheRaggedyWolf: Day 4:
@imrosemciver You’re so close to your fans, it’s lovely. I remember me quoting Izombie and you noticing me. Perfect acting.#iZombie - @CoriBlossoms: My favorite actress is obviously
@imrosemciver#izombie - @livlove52:
#day4 Rose McIver my favorite zombie and actress - @afooltocry: Day 4 – Fav Actress our hero
Day 5 – Your Favorite FriendShip
- @rosemciversrc: Day 5: My favorite friendship is Liv/Ravi!
#Ravioli - @TheRaggedyWolf: Day 5 Ravi and Liv are my friendship goal. They’re a match, as well as on screan, on Twitter or in real life. Keep up the good work!
- @amysaldana510: Day 5 Favorite Friendship : Liv and Ravi
- @ZombieRetroGal: Day 5: My favorite friendship is Ravi and Major!
- @TC_Stark:
#30DaysChallengeiZombie Day 5 – Fav Friendship – Liv and Ravi - @swendgame13: Day 5- Best friendship is between Liv and Ravi
- @izombiepodcast: Day 5 – Favorite Friendship –
#Rajor - @iZombieLove: Day 5 | Favourite Friendship Liv x Clive x Ravi – comedy genius – OT3 – crime solving team
- @itsnorsss: Day 5 Absolutely Liv&Clive
- @livlove52:
#day5 i will say… major and ravi - @FranciSteck: Day 5: Liv and Ravi – Lavi
- @izombienz:
#30DaysChallengeiZombie day 5 – fave friendship. Honestly I’m having such a hard time deciding, I love all of them so much - @zoemarkos2001:
#30DaysChallengeizombie, day 5, favourite friendship: Clive & Ravi - @broodsella:
#30DaysChallengeiZombie fav friendship is Liv Ravi and Clive solving crimes together - @lozzy_saffron: Day 5 favourite friendship: Ravi/Liv
- @TerribleGamerYL: Day 5- Fav Friendship Ravi Liv
- @CorriBlossoms: My favorite friendship is Ravi and Major!
- @afooltocry: Day 5 – Fav Friendship goes to Liv & Clive
Day 6 – Your Favorite LoveShip
- @rosemciversrc: Day 6: Hard to choose… but my favorite couple is Liv and Major.
- @zoemarkos2001:
#30DaysChallengeizombie, day 6, favourite couple: Liv and Major - @dontouchmyvibe: Day 6 – Liv and Major
- @itsnorsss: Day 6 – Favorite Couple Absolutely LIV AND DRAKE
- @TC_Stark: Day 6 – Fav Couple: Liv and Lowell
- @iZombieLove: Day 6 | Favourite Couple RaJor – BROtp – Minor’s daddies – the WORST dancers
- @swendgame13: Day 6- i haven’t a favorite couple but maybe i prefer Liv and Lowell Tracey
- @evanstrawberry: Day 6, fav couple: weird but Blaine & Peyton
- @CorriBlossoms: My favorite couple is Liv and Major. THEY ARE MET TO BE!
- @amysaldana210: Favorite couple:Clive and Detective Bazzio
- @ZombieRetroGal: Day 6: My favorite couple is Liv and Major!
- @izombiepodcast: Day 6 – Favorite Couple –
#Bozzineaux - @afooltocry: Day 6 – Favorite Couple goes to Liv & Lowell.
- @lozzy_saffron: Day 6: favourite couple… Liv and Lowell ow my heart
- @broodsella:
#30DaysChallengeiZombie fav couple LIV AND LOWELL NOT OVER@IT NEVER WILL BE - @FranciSteck: Day 6: I’m gonna have to go with Peyton and Ravi
Day 7 – Your Favorite Episode
- @rosemciversrc: Day 7 – My favorite episode is the country episode. <3
- @swendgame13: Day 7- My favourite episode is “Cape Town” 2×09
- @iZombieLove: Day 7 | Favourite Episode Zombie Bro – dude bro Liv – FART – RaJor high af
- @ZombieRetroGal: Day 7: My favorite episode is when Liv is a bro!
- @izombiepodcast: Day 7 -Favorite Episode- Pilot/Astroburger/Zombie Bro/The Whopper/Salivation Army
- @kittle_scott: My favorite episode is Dead Rat, Live Rat, White Rat. Liv on cheerleader brains!!!
- @amysaldana510: Day 7 Favorite Episode: Zombie Bro
- @zoemarkos2001: day 7, favourite episode: so many but probs real dead housewives of Seattle is a top one
- @lozzy_saffron: Day 7: favourite episode …. Blaine’s World. S01E13.
- @TC_Stark: Day 7: Fav episode
#30DaysChallengeiZombie “The Whopper” - @afooltocry: Day 7 – Favorite Ep goes to 1.13 Blaine’s World
- @FranciSteck: Day 7: The real housewifes of seattle
Day 8 – Your Favorite Season
- @rosemciversrc: Day 8 – My favorite season… the second! For now… :)
- @izombiepodcast: Day 8 – Favorite Season: Season 2 – Reason: There’s more!
- @iZombieLove: Day 8 | Favourite Season Season 2 – Blavi duel – Lilymoore – Supersized finale
- @evanstrawberry: Day 8 – fav season: season 2, so intenseeeee
- @TerribleGamerYL: Season 2!
- @KimberSwells: Season 2
- @swendgame13: Day 8- My favourite season is the second because has more episodes
- @lozzy_saffron: Day 8: favourite season … both of them?!?!?!?!??!
- @afooltocry: Day 8 – Fave Season I refuse to choose and you cant make me
- @ZombieRetroGal: Day Eight: My favorite season is season 2!
- @zoemarkos2001:
#30DaysChallengeizombie, day 8, favourite season: season 2 - @BenMullins4: day 8. Favorite season 1 and 2
- @FranciSteck: And Day 8: Probably season 1. Or 2? No definitely 1. Maybe 2 though?! Urgh I just can’t decide
Day 9 – Your Favorite Song
- @rosemciversrc: Day 9 – Of course, my favorite song is the opening theme!!!
- @izombiepodcast: Day 9 – Favorite Song – Der Kommissar
- @ZombieRetroGal: Day 9: favorite song
- @swendgame13: Day 9- my favourite song is the opening credits
- @kittle_scott: Favorite song is absolutely the Theme Song. Hands Down!!!
- @TerribleGamerYL: Day 9- Downtown, used during the season one finale!
- @afooltocry: Day 9 – Favorite song goes to
#DerKommissar - @evanstrawberry: day 9, fav song : the opening theme obvsly (i sing that song even on the shower)
- @iZombieLove: Day 9 | Favourite Song Friday I’m in Love – Blavi – Blavi – Blavi
- @FranciSteck: Jeez I’m way behind…Day 9: Girl is a queen by the Splash. It was played during the “gay” date scene with Lowell.
- @andersonjourn: when they played born in the Echoes
- @zoemarkos2001: day 9, favourite song: let you go(Liv sings when on cowgirl brain)
- @CoriBlossoms: I missed Day 9. Favorite Song. The theme of izombie!!
- @lozzy_saffron: Day 9: favourite song… STOP nah nah nah OOH!
- @BenMullins4: Day 9 favorite song: Olivia Moore let you go
Day 10 – Your Favorite Quote
- @rosemciversrc:
- @izombiepodcast: Day 10 – Favorite Quote – Way too many to choose, so I’ll pick a classic.
- @evanstrawberry: day 10, fav quote: Lowell ‘I Love you’
- @TC_Stark: Day 10 Fav quote: ‘Blaine: ‘I’m such a slave to aesthetics’
- @ZombieRetroGal: Day 10: My favorite quote! ‘But you’re Major ‘Mother-flipping’ Lilywhite, and you don’t quit.’
- @iZombieLove: Day 10 | Favourite Quote(s) Blaine Debeers – 2×07 – Can’t pick one – Best Blaine Ep
- @kittle_scott: Favorite quote Blaine coming into morgue after being shot. Speaking elongated “Brains, Brains” Just kidding. Literally LOL’D
- @CoriBlossoms: Day 10. Favorite Quote. Can I use anytime Blaine speaks? Or Ravi makes a sexually explicit remark?
- @afooltocry: Day 10 – Fave Quote – “This the the best brain ever…”
- @FranciSteck: Liv: What happened to Caesar? Ravi: He came, he saw, he was stabbed several times with a sharp, cylindrical object.
- @cinthya_bec: Day 10 – Fave Quote – “First rule of brain club, you don’t talk about brain club.”
- @lozzy_saffron: Day 10: favourite quote. ‘Only thing in colour’.
Day 11 – Your Favorite Scene
- @rosemciversrc:
- @izombiepodcast: Day 11 – Favorite Scene- Impossible to pick, here’s a fun series of scenes!
- @afooltocry: Day 11 – Favorite Scene – The Meat Cute Massacre of course
- @TC_Stark: Day 11 – Fav scene:
@QuestionAnders &@robert_knepper in Zombie Bro - @amysaldana210: Day 11 Favorite Scene: when lowell becomes gay
(when Liv and Loweel dances) - @ZombieRetroGal: Day 11: My favorite scene! Major’s killing spree!
- @FranciSteck: Day 11: When Liv figures out that Rita/Gilda has been a backstabbing b**ch all along
- @iZombieLove: Day 11 | Favourite Scene Meat Cute Shoot Out – Major Badass – Finale
Day 12 – A Scene that makes you cry
- @rosemciversrc:
- @izombiepodcast: Day 12 – Scene that makes you cry: Lowell death
- @TC_Stark: Day 12: Scene that makes me cry: Dale and Clive break up
- @FranciSteck: Day 12: Lowell’d death scene…I love you…RIP Lowel