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Dragons: Race to the Edge

Rose McIver as Atali (Voice)

Genres: Animation, Adventure, Comedy
Network: Netflix
Release Date: 26 June 2015
Country USA
Language: English
Runtime: 23 min


Unlock the secrets of the Dragon Eye and come face to face with more dragons than anyone has ever imagined as Hiccup, Toothless and the Dragon Riders soar to the edge of adventure.

About Atalia

Her Personnality

Atali is very polite and gracious, though has little patience for any disrespect. She is very gentle and loving toward the baby Razorwhips.

Her Relationships

  • Minden: Minden looks up to Atali and had always been eager to prove her worth to the chieftess. Minden felt ashamed when her reckless decision resulted in Atali being injured, but continued to fight against the Dragon Flyers after an encouragement from Snotlout. Atali praised Minden for learning from her mistakes, knowing that she could be a great leader someday.
  • Snotlout Jorgenson: Snotlout and Atali were first introduced to each other in “Snotlout’s Angels”. After getting into a fight with Astrid, Snotlout meets the Wingmaidens in which he, at first, thinks are the other Riders in costumes. Later on during a buffet, Snotlout finds out Atali had been planning to add him into their “sacred stew” as there are no men allowed on their island.
  • Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III: After resolving the conflict Snotlout mildly instigated, Hiccup and Atali became allies and friends. They worked together in figuring out the best place to hide the Dragon Eye lenses, as well as in dealing with Johann and the Dragon Flyers.
  • Wingnut: During the Grand Transition in “Ruff Transition”, Atali is surprised that Wingnut chose Ruffnut instead of her as his Wingmaiden. Eventually, Wingnut chooses to be with Atali so that Ruffnut can remain with the Dragon Riders.

Episode Guide

Rose lent her voice in: 3 episodes.
EpisodeDescriptionDirected/Written byOriginal Air date
5.04 Snotlout's Angels

Snotlout's typical repulsive attitude forces him to flee the Edge after angering Astrid, and after being caught in a storm is saved by an Amazonian tribe called the Wingmaidens, who plan on making him a part of their sacred stew out of their intolerance towards men. Astrid, Ruffnut, and Heather infiltrate the island to save him, but in the process learn of the Wingmaiden Tribe's purpose and Windshear's origins in that they raise infant Razorwhips to protect them from being eaten by the males. Snotlout in turn is nearly killed by the aggressive female Razorwhips, but is saved by the Riders and Wingmaidens who in the end celebrate their newly formed alliance, and Snotlout learns a lesson in etiquette.
David Jones, Abe Brown/Art Brown, Douglas SloanAugust 25, 2017
6.03Chain of Command

The Riders host a meeting on Defenders of the Wing Island to discuss the threat Johann poses, however, Dagur and Mala constantly disagree with each other's ideas. Through Ruffnut and Tuffnut's mediation, Dagur and Mala actually get along and develop a mutual attraction for one another. Meanwhile, Hiccup and Snotlout travel to Wingmaiden Island to escort Atali to the meeting, where Atali leaves her second-in-command, Minden, in charge of the island, though Minden is upset at not being allowed to attend the meeting as well. When a fire breaks out on the other side of the island, Minden orders all the guards to put it out, leaving the Wingmaidens defenceless to a surprise attack from the Flyers, resulting in Atali being injured and knocked out. Feeling guilty over her mistake, Minden, with Snotlout's aid, recovers the hidden Dragon Eye lens on their island, which the Flyers have come for. After her repeated failures, Minden loses hope and confidence in herself and quits being a Wingmaiden, but is inspired by Snotlout not to give up. Using the baby Razorwhips, the Wingmaidens defeat Flyers.
Greg Rankin/Will MoreyFebruary 16, 2018

While visiting Wingmaiden Island, the Riders get to witness the ceremony where newly hatched baby Razorwhips choose their Wingmaidens. One baby ends up choosing Ruffnut, whom Atali insists must become a Wingmaiden. Though Ruffnut struggles with the tasks to care for her Razorwhip, named Wingnut, she only succeeds thanks to Tuffnut's secret assistance. Despite Atali's encouragement, Ruffnut is certain that she cannot be a Wingmaiden and that Wingnut is better off without her. When Flyers attack, Ruffnut rescues Wingnut and uses her newly learned Wingmaiden abilities to help repel the Flyers' attack. Seemingly accepting that Ruffnut's place is with the Riders, Wingnut accepts Atali as its new Wingmaiden and caretaker.
Abe Brown/John TellegenFebruary 16, 2018