The Rose Mciver Fansite

Appearance*LIVE* iZombie - Rose McIver at ‘Dragon Con‘ - Day 3 and...

*LIVE* iZombie – Rose McIver at ‘Dragon Con‘ – Day 3 and Day 4

This week-end (Saturday and Sunday), Rose McIver is attending Dragon Con in Atlanta for Photo Ops, Autographs and Panels. She will be there alongside Aly Michalka and David Anders.

Dragon Con is a 4-day event comprising approximately 3500 hours of panels, seminars, demonstrations, and workshops, with over 30 specialized programming tracks that include writing, alternate history, art, anime, gaming, science fiction and fantasy literature, comic books, costuming, space science, online media, independent film, podcasting, Asian cinema and culture, robotics, filk, scientific skepticism, dark fantasy and more.

Saturday, 3rd September

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  • Rose said she’s pitched the idea of a body builder brain.
  • They recently shot a scene out of order – the funny 1st & dramatic later. Rahul thought something was wrong when Rose cried!
  • Rose says she wrote an email to the show runner asking to do the salmon ladder
  • Rose said that each brain awakens a different part of Liv’s personality.
  • The easiest brain for Rose to play was the Frat boy.
  • Aly loves that her and Roses character have each other’s back!
  • Rose and Ali have known each other since they were like 19. Rose worked with AJ and they met that way.
  • Rose said if anyone cosplayed Peyton, it would be a business suit.
  • They want Flight of the Concords on the show and Rose wants to use her real accent.
  • What guest stars would you like on the show? Rose said fellow Kiwis Flight of the Concords or Lucy Lawless.
  • Rose said they’re not doing a musical ep because Robert can’t hold a pitch. David said he just has to be shirtless.
  • When shooting pilot, Robert messed up a scene. Really emotional part & he called her Liz instead of Liv. Rose said he was a bad boyfriend.
  • Rose said the love triangle between Blaine, Peyton & Ravi does continue in season 3.
  • Rose’s OTP is Pavi (Peyton/Ravi).
  • Rose (on the taste of brains): Brains aren’t terrible, but I do always have a spit bucket close at hand.
  • Rose thinks ASL interpreters are amazing!
  • What social cause would like to see on ‘iZombie’? Rose said ASL community episode.
  • Rose recently pitched eating bodybuilder brain. David says Robert would be OK w/it b/c he’s already like that – “Shreddy Krueger.”
  • Rose said the thing she was most excited about when getting the show was knowing people would dress up as Liv at cons.

Sunday, 4th September

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Big thanks to: @ScannerDromeMag, @haylee_fisher,  ‏@elizziebeth,@NeptuneRising, @StarryMag, @BerylaGann.

My name is Stéphanie - creator, webmaster and social medias manager of The Rose McIver Fansite (known as Rose McIver Source). I have been a french fan of Rose since a decade. Way back in 2013, I noticed there were no French or English website supporting her projects or promoting her amazing work – that's why I decided to create this fansite, in English to reach a larger audience. I started following Rose in my early twenties, here I am in my thirties, even more enthusiastic to share everything related to her career.​ I had the opportunity to meet Rose three times. In May 2017, at the 'Fairy Tales 5' con in Paris. In February 2020, virtually during "Empire's Virtual Hangout 4". In May 2023, I went to Germany to meet Rose again.


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