Due to some issues with the Opinion Stage service (Someone distorted the results of our previous poll, giving more than 2,000 votes in certain categories) I had to relaunch the awards on a more secure platform.
Following the success of the 1st edition of the “iZombie Fans Summer Awards” last summer on rosemciversource.net, I decided to renew the experience this year. I am pleased to announce that this summer, we will celebrate and honor the best achievement in ‘iZombie‘ last season (season 3). The nominations were selected by ourselves, and the votes will be made by you, fans.
You can vote directly for all categories below, BUT ALSO, via twitter (one category by day will be available on our twitter account on the next few weeks). At the end of the allotted time, we will calculate the votes of the website and twitter.
Votes are open from July 09th, 2016 to August 25th, 2016.
Anisha Cheema is my favourite as she’s beautiful inside and out!
Anisha Cheeman is the best. She is an amazing human and a bomb ass actress.
Hi, I think you need a note to tell people they need to click thru all 20 pages to get to the submit button and that they need to enter the word shown to prove you are not a robot!
Hello, thank you for your feedback. I will do it! Have a great day! xo