A special occasion, a special person, a special birthday celebration.

This year more than ever, I wanted to make something bigger, something that matters.

If you follow me since a few years you may know I was a part of ‘Fandom United‘ were we raised money for charities supported by some of the ‘Once Upon A Time‘ cast. This was one of the most amazing experience I ever had and I forever wanted to be a part of a project like this again.

After thinking about this for a few months, I saw that Rose’s brother Paul, created a fundraising page for ‘HELP AUCKLAND (a charity who supports and empowers women and children as they heal from the effects of sexual abuse) and I thought this year was the perfect time to do it again, for Rose’s birthday this time.

With some of the most amazing fans of Rose; WE RAISED 130$.

I am super grateful for everyone who shared this project, who donated and who supported.

“I am passionate about community and using your strengths and resources to help people in need.” – Rose McIver

THANK YOU Rose for all your shares and for helping your community to learn, to educate themselves everyday. The quote above has inspired me for a long time and reflects the project I wanted to do this year. Thank you for inspiring us everyday.

THANK YOU Paul for putting this fundraising together. It was the perfect moment to join your cause.

THANK YOU to all the generous donators who joined me for this special occasion.

Last and not least, THANK YOU to our community, our fandom, the #Rosiwers; for being such a dedicated, adorable and respectful community.


Screenshot from Rose’s Instagram Story
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My name is Stéphanie - creator, webmaster and social medias manager of The Rose McIver Fansite (known as Rose McIver Source). I have been a french fan of Rose since a decade. Way back in 2013, I noticed there were no French or English website supporting her projects or promoting her amazing work – that's why I decided to create this fansite, in English to reach a larger audience. I started following Rose in my early twenties, here I am in my thirties, even more enthusiastic to share everything related to her career.​ I had the opportunity to meet Rose three times. In May 2017, at the 'Fairy Tales 5' con in Paris. In February 2020, virtually during "Empire's Virtual Hangout 4". In May 2023, I went to Germany to meet Rose again.


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