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iZombie Fans Summer Awards 2019-2020

After missing it last summer, let’s now celebrate and honor the best achievement in ‘iZombie‘ latest season (Season 5). The nominations were selected by ourselves (at and the votes will be made by you, fans!

Votes are closed since June 14, 2020.

Very special thanks to @Irris_T, @livsmoor, @_mariestunning, @GabrielSeutinVous, @monse79199278 for helping putting this together! But also, huge thanks to dailyizombie, rocktheholygrail on tumblr for all these great gifs!


Favorite Actor [ Poll Results ]

David Anders | 73,3%
Bryce Hodgson | 11,7%
Rahul Kohli | 4,9%
Robert Buckley | 4,3%
Malcolm Goodwin | 3,7%

Favorite Actress [ Poll Results ]

Aly Michalka | 57,7%
Rose McIver | 42,3%

Favorite Recurring Actor [ Poll Results ]

John Emmet Tracy | 68,5%
Robert Salvador | 17,3%
Bill Wise | 10,3%
Adam Greydon Reid | 3,1%
Emy Aneke | 0,6%

Favorite Recurring Actress [ Poll Results ]

Jessica Harmon | 95,1%
Elfina Luk | 4,3%
Jennifer Irwin | 0,6%

Favorite Male Character [ Poll Results ]

Blaine DeBeers | 75,5%
Don Eberhard | 11%
Ravi Chakrabarti | 6,1%
Major Lilywhite | 4,3%
Clive Babineaux | 3,1%

Favorite Female Character [ Poll Results ]

Peyton Charles | 65%
Olivia Moore | 35%

Favorite Recurring Male Character [ Poll Results ]

Detective Cavanaugh | 72,2%
Enzo Lambert | 16,7%
Martin Roberts | 9,3%
Hobbs | 1,2%
Matthew Voss | 0,6%

Favorite Recurring Female Character [ Poll Results ]

Dale Bozzio | 95,1%
Joyce Collins | 4,9%
Dolly Durkins

Favorite Zombie [ Poll Results ]

Blaine DeBeers | 74,2%
Liv Moore | 14,1%
Don Eberhard | 10,4%
Major Liliwhyte | 1,2%
Ravi Chakrabarti

Favorite Friendship [ Poll Results ]

Liv & Clive | 85,3%
Liv & Ravi | 7,3%
Liv & Peyton | 6,7%
Ravi & Major | 0,6%

Favorite Loveship [ Poll Results ]

Clive & Dale | 85,9%
Liv & Major | 11%
Peyton & Ravi | 3,1%

Favorite Brain-Episode [ Poll Results ]

5.07 – Filleted to Rest (perfectionist) | 41,7%
5.06 – The Scratchmaker (ultimatematchmaker) | 21,5%
5.08 – Death of a Car Salesman (competitive) | 15,3%
5.03 – Five, Six, Seven, Ate! (salsabrain) | 14,7%
5.09 – The Fresh Princess (miss teen) | 5,5%
5.11 – Killer Queen (drag queen) | 1,2%

Most Touching Moment [ Poll Results ]

5.09 (Liv and her dad) | 82,7%
5.13 (Liv and Peyton) | 7,4%
5.12 (Liv, Clive and Ravi) | 6,2%
5.13 (Major and Ravi) | 1,9%
5.11 (Ravi and Major) | 1,2%
5.11 (Liv and Peyton) | 0,6%

Funniest Moment [ Poll Results ]

5.12 (Clive) | 70,6%
5.03 (Liv, Ravi and Clive) | 22,1%
5.03 (Liv and Ravi) | 3,1%
5.13 (The Good Place Reference) | 2,5%
5.03 (Ravi) | 1,8%

Saddest Moment [ Poll Results ]

5.13 (Blaine) | 85,3%
5.13 (Liv and Major) | 7,4%
5.13 (Peyton) | 3,1%
5.07 (Liv and her mother) | 1,8%
5.12 (Liv, Clive and Major) | 1,2%
5.11 (Liv’s dad) | 0,6%
5.05 (Ravi) | 0,6%

Loveliest Moment [ Poll Results ]

5.13 (Clive and Dale) | 87%
5.12 (Liv and Major) | 6,2%
5.13 (Liv and Major)) | 5,6%
5.12 (Ravi and Peyton) | 1,2%

Favorite Meal [ Poll Results ]

5.09 | 69,9%
5.08 | 15,3%
5.11 | 9,2%
5.03 | 5,5%

Favorite Zombie Moment [ Poll Results ]

5.06 (Blaine) | 63,2%
5.05 (Blaine) | 21,5%
5.10 (Liv and Blaine) | 11,7%
5.12 (Ravi) | 3,7%

Favorite Sexy Moment [ Poll Results ]

5.13 (Major) | 77,9%
5.03 (Liv) | 19,6%
5.02 (Ravi and Peyton) | 2,5%


Thank you all for your participation and thank you to all those who shared it. The next ‘iZombie Fans Summer Awards’ will be the last one, a special one with all winners from the of the five editions. Stay tuned at for more fun things and games around Rose McIver!