FanMeet – Virginie – May 27-28, 2017 – Fairy Tales 5 (Paris)

The ‘Fairy Tales 5‘ convention was held 3 days before my birthday. It was planned that the week before, I go the ‘Telford Fanzone‘ convention in England to meet Rose McIver, but also David Anders and Rahul Kohli; Unfortunately, this couldn’t be done. My friends and my boyfriend realized how important it was to me and they suprised me with an entry pass, a picture and an autograph with Rose for the ‘Fairy Tales 5’.

I couldn’t believe it, and I would never thank them enough for giving me this opportunity to meet her. At the convention, I bought one more picture with her for Sunday.

During the panels, I was sit at the bottom of the room, but I listened attentively (especially when Rose was talking because I’m not a fan of ‘Once Upon a Time’), and I loved hearing her telling anecdotes about ‘iZombie‘. When I did my picture with her on Saturday, I told her that I only came to meet her, she gave me a hug an told me it was too adorable.

Saturday, at the autographs, I was able to tell her everything I had to say to her. I never been pressed, neither ba the actress or the assistant, nor my the staff or people behind me. It was perfect. She was delighted to sign a Funko Pop! from her character in ‘iZombie(a friend give me this gift the day before the convention); she was trying to speak French all the time, it was too cute! On Sunday, I’ve done a second photo with her, my last moment, and she remembered that I came only for her.

Big thanks to Virginie for sharing her story and pics with us!