FanMeet – Julie – May 27-28, 2017 – Fairy Tales 5 (Paris)


Meeting Rose at the FT5 Convention is one of my best meeting and memories ever! She was so freaking lovely, and adorable, and happy! She looks happy all the time! She always have a smile on her face, and a smile for everyone  And she’s one of those people who can make you so at ease when you meet (’cause I can be nervous very easily). At the photos ops on Saturday, she saw me and said I looked beautiful too  Then at the autographs, she started signing the photos, then looked up at me and said “I love you haircut! I want the same haircut!” (funny thing, a few weeks after the convention, she got the same haircut!! ). She was so sweet  And her words about the Fandom United Project were really touching: she said it was amazing and so generous. She asked if we saw that she posted the photo of the cheque on her Twitter & IG accounts, I said yes and thanked her. She said it was so amazing, it means a lot to them and she was so proud of us  I have so many good memories of my encounter with her. She simply is the best, and I love her so much and am so grateful to her.

Big thanks to Julie for sharing her story with us!