The Rose Mciver Fansite since 2013

iZombie22 Days Challenge: iZOMBiE (2.0)

22 Days Challenge: iZOMBiE (2.0)

A few months ago, I’ve launched the first ‘30 Days Challenge‘ dedicated to the ‘iZombie‘ show. Today, On the occasion of the long awaited return of the show  on our screens on April 4th, I decided to repeat the experiment. This time it will be the ‘22 Days Challenge‘ so we can play together until next month. Stay tuned on our site for other celebrations for the launch of the third season!

Click the image to see the full one

What is this game?
During 22 days (an issue by day except the last day), we will choose our favorite characters, episodes, moments around the show and much more.

How to participate?
It’s really easy, via your social network account (facebook, twitter, instagram, tumblr,…), you just have to repost the photo and answer the issue.

For example, for today (Day 1, March 15), you have to repost the photo on your account and answer the question ‘Your favorite male character’. Do not forget to use the following hashtags, so we can see your answers! #22DaysChallenge #iZombie 

And if I miss a day? Can I start it after the ‘Day 1’?

If you have missed a day, or start the game only on ‘Day 5’; it doesn’t matter! You can play when you want, if you don’t want to answer a question, no problem either.

If you have ANY questions, be sure to ask me. :)
Instagram: @rosemciversource
Twitter: @rosemciversrc

My name is Stéphanie - creator, webmaster and social medias manager of The Rose McIver Fansite (known as Rose McIver Source). I have been a french fan of Rose since a decade. Way back in 2013, I noticed there were no French or English website supporting her projects or promoting her amazing work – that's why I decided to create this fansite, in English to reach a larger audience. I started following Rose in my early twenties, here I am in my thirties, even more enthusiastic to share everything related to her career.​ I had the opportunity to meet Rose three times. In May 2017, at the 'Fairy Tales 5' con in Paris. In February 2020, virtually during "Empire's Virtual Hangout 4". In May 2023, I went to Germany to meet Rose again.


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